
The Sky (12 small oil paintings)

I've been very interested in the sky lately, always noticing how it's changing.

I've found these are best viewed from a distance, so I included the installation shots (and also some other ways of installation I experimented with).

Here they are up close...


Cubist Inspired Painting

I documented the process: working from the figure at first, exploring figure-ground relationship, breaking the piece up into planes, and near the end, using collage. It went through a lot of changes!

The final:
Someday, I hope to do another project like this. I might 'redo' this one... start with the same figure and see where else I can take it.


Oil Paintings, Fall Semester 08

These are really tiny:

Studies from in class:

Some out of class work...

Master Study; Degas' Absinthe.


Winter 08/09 Photos

Here are just a few I picked out from the past couple months.


Some shots from the snow we had earlier this winter in January...